Investigation of the next generation science standards including in the science book according to E-learn : analytical study


  • Noor Mohammed Kadhim Dept. Educational and psychological sciences, College Education for Human Sciences, Wasit University, Iraq Author
  • Hashim Aliwy Mohammed Dept. English, College Education for Human Sciences, Wasit University, Iraq Author
  • Saad Naeem Radhawi Dept. Educational and psychological sciences, College Education for Human Sciences, Wasit University, Iraq Author
  • Adnan Marid Jabur Dept. Educational and psychological sciences, College Education for Human Sciences, Wasit University, Iraq Author
  • Raed Bayish Gottraan Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, Wasit University, Iraq6Department of biology, College of Science Author
  • Raed Bayish Gottraan Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, Wasit University, Iraq Author
  • Mustafa Mahdi Abdulridha Department of Economics, College of Administration and Economics, Wasit University, Iraq Author
  • Wamedh Mohammed Kadhim Department of biology, College of Science Author
  • Zainb Qasim Mohammed Department of biology, Collage of Education, Diyala University, Iraq Author


This article briefs educational, In recent years, interest has increased in including standards for the next generation in science books from (k-12), and the main goal of these suggested modifications is to match science instruction to current technological developments and support what students will need to learn in the future.  by including NGSS in science textbooks. For the fifth grade of primary school in Iraq, our study analysis of the science book, using online questionnaires on primary school science instructors of the fifth grade before the stage of putting the analysis processes into practise. For this study, 40 replies from schools in waist City made up the data collection. According to the study, the majority of teachers lacked the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate the proposed standard modifications into the existing curricula and their lesson plans. Based on their assessments of the pupils' level of readiness, the teachers offered a number of recommendations 




How to Cite

Investigation of the next generation science standards including in the science book according to E-learn : analytical study. (2023). Tamjeed Journal of Healthcare Engineering and Science Technology, 1(2), 30-35.