Effectiveness of Vermunt Model in Creative Intelligence among fifth-grade students in Philosophy and Psychology subject


  • Baidaa Sami Salim wasit University Author


Effectiveness, Vermunt Model , Creative intelligence


The research aims to identify (Effectiveness of VermuntModel in Creative intelligence among fifth-grade students in Philosophy and Psychology subject), the researcher followed the experimental design with partial control for two experimental and control groups, the number of samples was (68). A sample of fifth-grade literary students from Al-Saada Secondary School for Girls - Baghdad Governorate Center was intentionally selected. The researcher analyzed the equality of the two groups statistically in terms of the variables (intelligence, previous achievement, gender, and age calculated in months), The researcher teaches the two research groups. The researcher depended on the test tool of creative intelligence, and the apparent validity was verified and the stability coefficient was extracted. the researcher utilized statistical methods, including Cronbach's alpha equation and the independent samples t-test). The results showed:

There is a statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental group students who studied according to the Vermont model and the scores of the control group students who studied according to the traditional method on the creative intelligence scale in favor of the experimental group students. Accordingly, the first null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

The researcher made several recommendations:

  • Encouraging educational institutions and research centers to adopt modern models and strategies and include them in plans, activities, and training to benefit from them in life situations in general and educational life in particular.
  • The necessity of paying attention to creative intelligence is due to its great importance in our current era.




How to Cite

Effectiveness of Vermunt Model in Creative Intelligence among fifth-grade students in Philosophy and Psychology subject. (2024). Tamjeed Journal of AI Innovations in E-Learning and Education, 1(2), 74-92. https://tamjeedpub.com/index.php/TJAI-ELE/article/view/120