Collaborative Problem Solving in Promoting Students’ Critical Thinking a Meta-Analysis Based on Empirical Literature


  • Abdulmohsen Farhan Mathematics, Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, Kuwait Author


Collaborative problem solving, Critical Thinking, Meta-analysis


The research aims to demonstrate the role of collaborative issues in enhancing students' critical thinking by relying on a meta-analysis based on the empirical literature. The study relied on previous literature on collaborative issues, as well as the impact on the two components of critical thinking (directional orientation and cognitive skills). How do different moderating variables affect the discrepancies in study results when the results of the various experimental designs of the included research are heterogeneous? This study adhered to the strict guidelines provided by Cooper to evaluate quantitative data from several independent investigations on the same research question on Significant empirical studies published in the global literature on 21st century education was assessed using Rev-Man 5.4 meta-analysis. In order to assess the accuracy of this meta-analysis, the results were synthesized around the amount of value that general critical thinking education has contributed to college specifically. The critical thinking literature may benefit from a shift in focus to include domainspecific critical thinking. Our review of the literature found that there are few studies that have examined critical thinking in a specific subject area and that the core competencies could be further developed. Additional research is needed to investigate this possibility. 







How to Cite

Collaborative Problem Solving in Promoting Students’ Critical Thinking a Meta-Analysis Based on Empirical Literature. (2024). Tamjeed Journal of AI Innovations in E-Learning and Education, 1(1), 25-42.